On the road

Some views while traveling from Thimphu to Mongar

In Bhutan there is one road crossing the country from West to East or East to West. When travelling to Kengkhar, one of the communities where I am working with the Participatory Photo Project at the local school I travel from Thimphu to Mongar. Driving in a car it’s normally a two days journey: day one from Thimphu to Bumthang (267 km) takes about 9 – 10 hours, day two from Bumthang to Mongar (198 km) takes about 7 – 8 hours of driving.

Below you see some photos taken while traveling from Thimphu to Mongar..



Find phone

On the road – in India

Some photos taken from the car traveling in India..


On the road – in Bhutan

Some photos taken from the car traveling in Bhutan..